...I am not entirely sure if that number is perfectly accurate or not, but it seems to be correct from the chatter backstage, so I'll go with that!
Tonight's subject for blogging will be
skyping with the boyfriend.
(He is absolutely the cutest.)
Our typical skype video chat conversation, which typically takes place around midnight, usually goes something like this:
Hi baby!! What's up!Winston:
Rmph. Not much. Just eating some noodles.Me:
Oh that's cool! So today we had a show, but most of the day was free, so I slept until noon and then went to the gym for a whole hour! It was so nice!Winston: *continues munching on noodle soup*
And then we had bus call at five, and that was that time that I called you, but you said you were busy, so I said I'd call you at intermission, and then I went to do the show and it was totally a train wreck and nothing went right but whatever-- (*continues yammering about the day*)
...So, what did you do today?Winston:
What? Really, nothing?Winston:
I had class and then I did homework in the library for nine hours.Me:
Oh. Jesus.Winston:
Oh yeah, you've been up since like six this morning, right? That's when you texted me! Wow. So, anyway, after that...Winston: *begins nodding off at computer*
WINSTON PAY ATTENTION TO MEWinston: *starts awake*
SORRY sorry I'm really tired.... *eyelids start to droop again*
You really aren't a night owl, are you?Winston: *zzzzzz*
DammitWinston: *zzzzzzzzzzz*
On a luckier day when I'm able to catch him during daylight hours, we have intricate lengthy conversations about things like summer plans or Batman villains. Either way, even though he has a hard time matching up to my excellent sleep-avoiding skills, he's probably the cutest thing ever.
Also, here is a random photowhoring moment that has nothing to do with anything except the fact that I saw my bestest friend and love of my life
KELLY WEAVER the other day on one of our two-show days in Florida, and not only did she pay to come see the show and then go out to Ihop with me afterwards, she also gave me back a sweater that I had been missing for more than two years. Turns out I left it in her car the last time I visited her, back when she was still working at Disney.
I'm so vain, I bet I think this blog is about me.And here are the badasses in action, at said pancake house:
As you can see, she has gone platinum sexy blonde and I've gone jet black. Barbie and vampire girl. ^_~
Not only that, she and her mom gave me a beautiful gift of a set of Japanese tea cups. How does she know I've been wanting fancy tea cups like that for EVER?? Because she is the greatest of great, that's what.
Love is all around me. <3