Then I took Ricebunny's advice once again for her coffee grind mask, which smelled really, really, really good. It was more of a morning face wash than anything else, but I liked it.
So tonight I wanted to make a big pot of green tea. Then I had the crazy idea to make a face mask out of the green tea grinds. Because, hey, green tea is supposed to have all this healthy stuff in it, right? And be good-smelling and have anti-oxidants (what the hell ARE those, anyway?) so I went for it.
Firstly, MY TEAPOT I PAINTED FINALLY GOT OUT OF THE POTTERY KILN and into my dorm! I was so excited!

I took the grains at the bottom, mixed them with a dollop of honey (as a moisturizer, seeing as I wasn't sure how the tea would work out) and slathered it on my face. I did take a picture of my face with the mask on it, but my roommates were making fun of how I looked so I'm not gonna put it up and embarass myself further. Washed it off after about six or seven minutes.
Verdict: My face felt really, really, really really SOFT. And looked kinda glowy, which is nice. I attribute the softness to the honey but the tea probably helped a lot. It was pretty sweet (and a good excuse to drink a whole pot o' tea)
I'd like to think I have pretty good skin for someone my age... right?

In other news, I have been craving Ten Thousand Waves, hot springs (because, as you should know by now, I have few indulgences other than spa treatments; I adore the idea), Santa Fe... just a girly getaway with my mom, which I think would be really fun for us both. Also it is so damn cold here... brr... spring will be much appreciated. I'm gonna have a Central Park classy ladies tea party picnic and be SO happy to peruse the city in skirts when it gets warmer.
...but really this whole post was just so I could show off my newly painted teapot.

P.S. I should totally work at a spa like Jen's because I dig that whole scene so very hard. Maybe one day I will have my own spa... and serve everyone tea out of my badass teapot.
I like the teapot :)
Did you make the teapot? It's so cute. I love the way you painted it.
Hahhaa! Miss No-Makeup is actually a SPA RAT!
That teapot is awesome.
And O-M-G, is that mascara on the bottom lashes I see? :)
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