Wednesday, December 28, 2011
And thus concludes another brilliant holiday
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Exceedingly tired,
Math quiz, women's studies, a voluntary biology seminar on the genetics of peat moss (which I fell asleep during,) then two hours of volunteering, where I tutor kids in English and Writing.
Sometimes I miss sleeping on a tour bus all day. But I really do enjoy real life better, no matter how hellish both can be.
Photo 1: I have new headphones and look like I've been sent through a tornado. (no Dorothy references)
Photo 2: here on the above ground station, you can see the manhattan skyline in the distance.
Monday, September 26, 2011
The price of eel
Are they endangered? I certainly hope not. Because dammit, they're delicious.
My typically insane Monday was made a little better by sleeping in through math class. (don't listen to me, kids)
Anyway, ignore this post's content; I'm exploring the blogger mobile app and it's photo capabilities. Bear with me, readers. Oh, wait... I don't have those ;P
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The nice thing about writing
Ahh! Real blogging!
Anyway, I don't really have anything lucrative to say so here's a picture of some iced coffee from Starbucks after I gave my name as "Dr. Awesome."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Rush rush rush
I had two classes this morning, then had to rush home to feed the lizards and grab my shoes before tap class. Well, I have to leave in the next few minutes and my tap shoes are nowhere to be found. Oops. This'll be a fun class.
I'm trying not to let my overly hectic schedule get the best of me. I just really wish I had some days off to learn music.
Right now I'm sitting in my kitchen eating a pop tart

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Untitled ramblings
or maybe it's just that I'm often
an uncontrollable mess.
I work at a pet shop that isn't really a pet shop,
it isn't cruel like pet shops are.
We sell bird cages and amphibian terrariums
and reptile lighting equipment.
We also have caiques and lizards and snakes.
I love all of them.
Especially the dart frogs.
My life has been hectic,
and I'm running in circles
and I spend every day doing things
from morning until night
and I spend a lot of time on trains
and even though I want to read on those trains
and always bring a book,
I usually let my brain go comatose and stare at the advertisements
above the windows.
I read a poem today about the iphone
and how it is a cocky machine.
It is.
I want to return to nature and sit under a tree.
But I'm afraid of bugs in the dirt.
So I sit in my apartment instead.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The life
I got a baby bearded dragon, whom I've named Targaryan (Gary for short) and he is awesome and adorable. I've been taking care of him and making sure he grows up healthy, which is really fun for me, as taking care of pets is one of my favorite things to do.
I've been working on my apartment, getting things taken care of, and finally arranging my life together.
I've been stretching and working out (not as much as I need to be).
I've been making food for myself.
I've been organizing and cleaning.
I've been traveling lots every day around NYC, and spend a lot of time reading on the subway.
I've been meeting up with friends and having a great time.
So, have I gotten another acting job yet? No, but I will one of these days. It's even harder to get a normal job (coffee, retail, restaurant or otherwise) but I'll work on that too. I applied at various clothing stores, five different Starbucks, some bakeries... soon I'll apply at an exotic pet store. Anything to keep the Ramen in my cabinet. Haha.
So that's all. Not too exciting, but I'm finally getting a nice little life carved out for myself here, and it's all right.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
A video from tour
Monday, July 11, 2011
Thoughts of a non-equity actor at an EPA
*Korean pop music begins blaring from phone*
...damn, I guess I'd better get up. Sucks I have to wake up the poor sleepy boyfriend to drive me to Flushing. I'd have stayed at my apartment for a shorter commute but we got home so late from the trip upstate that I crashed... Wait, what? He's already ready? How does-- nevermind. Where the hell is mah metrocard? Let's rock this shit.
Wow, I'm the only one here. This is weird. The doors are locked. Am I even in the right place?
Oh sweet, someone else. I guess we're supposed to form a line outside the building.
Yup. We do form a line outside the building. Now I feel bad texting Jen at the crack of dawn.
Need Starbucks. Need yogurt.
I made a joke about getting out of line and now I'm number four instead of first, but none of these other three girls laughed. I think they think I'm being passive aggressive. Now I'm self conscious. I will no longer try to make conversation and crack open a book instead.
I like Tolstoy. I'm going to tweet about Tolstoy and auditioning and how I'm sitting in the street.
Great, I'm that girl. The one obnoxiously curling her eyelashes. In her phone reflection. In the middle of the sidewalk.
Wait, there's dudes here too. I thought this was just a female call. Now I'm confused. Maybe they're having a call for another show today as well.
Talked to the girl behind me about how neither of us have been to an EPA in ages. ...great, now I have to... Er... well, uo yao bang sai. Bu hao. Very bu hao. (for those who are unfamiliar with the Chao Zho dialect, "bang" means to, er, "make" and sai is... well, "shit".
Can't get outta line, but desperately need to bang sai. Considering running back to nearest Starbucks.
I am entrusting a complete stranger with my stuff while I run south two blocks to the Marriott Marquis. It's bringing back a lot of memories of when I used to come here as a little kid with my grandma and mother. ...geez, what a spoiled kid. Aw look, tourists, how adorable, they look confused.
Returning to line. Bang sai completed successfully! Ten points for Ravenclaw!
Omg we're going in
AAAAUGHH I SIGNED THE 'CAMELOT' FORM INSTEAD OF THE RIGHT ONE AND CROSSED MY NAME OUT and now they're going to think I am sufficiently mentally handicapped that I can't read the right form. Maybe I should bring in War and Peace to prove that I can read big words and am not actually mentally handicapped.
I'm first in the list for this show! This never happens. Maybe this is an unpopular show. Wait, it's brand new.
Sitting next to the same girl I sat next to at the Godspell open call. What is my life
Holy balls she's from Texas and has done Casa Mañana work. WHAT IS MY LIFE
I am slowly realizing that I'm way too young to be auditioning for this role. Why can't I be like those girls who look thirty and sexy in their teens? I'm doomed to play preteen roles for eternity.
And now we play the waiting game.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Simple wisdom from an outsider
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Fun with Decorating (How to torture your roommate)
Today I took a little break from furniture shopping and getting our electricity provider set up to play the Sims. But you see, this was not to play the Sims just for fun. I had the idea to recreate our new place in this little virtual world, make characters of ourselves, and to experiment with decorating. Because, if you've never played the Sims, it is TOTALLY possible to recreate your own life and living space, and then mess around with it. Which is awesome.
Here in our front lawn, we seem to be discussing vegetables.

So first I recreated our kitchen, which isn't quite this huge, but left an accurate amount of space in this little nook we have back here. I put a little black table there to see what it'd be like with an Ikea breakfast table there.
Unfortunately, this left no room for chairs, because Sim people apparently can't shimmy into a small space. So I took that out, decided we don't have to eat and put in a sweet sound system for dance parties instead.

Moving on! I then made my bedroom, which, in retrospect, looks a little like a prison, and the living room

Which left only one room.... Lauren's.
Now, I have known my roommate for quite some time, and know her tastes in decorating. However... she is not in control of her bedroom in this virtual little world. I am. So, what is a good roommate to do?
Heh heh heh.
Oh yeah. This isn't the real world. This is Sim world, and I am God.
At first, I just filled it up with garden gnomes

but then decided I could get a little more creative with it. So, I transformed it into a pond! Because who doesn't want a pond in their apartment? Nobody, that's who.

Or a zen garden!

How about a gym? Lauren can just sleep on one of the treadmills. I'll even lend her a towel.

Or, you know, she might have a baby one day

Ok, ok. Time to be serious.

And make the room how she obviously would decorate it herself....

Because Lauren, the communist hipster tomboy, should obviously want to live in something that makes the Barbie dream house look like a tool shed. I am just the best roommate ever. Look, even the lamps are pink. And see? There's a pink teddy bear! I think I'll name him Tiffany.
In the end, all that matters is that you know your roommate. I've made the best room for my best friend, all that she could ever ask for.
And as you can see, my character promptly started writing her theatrical memoir

and Lauren is happy as a clam with her surroundings. See, she's even cuddling Tiffany. And all is well.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
And thus it ends

Almost as quickly as it began, my friends, my leg of the Wizard of Oz tour comes to a close.
I have so much to write about the entire process. And believe me, it will come.
It began with the audition: just another open non-equity call, which my boyfriend encouraged me to go to.
Then callbacks. I got bronchitis, and the boyfriend's mom made me some kind of magical Chinese crack tea which made me sing well.
Then the call that I never expected, which changed my life entirely.
Then waiting for the contract, which almost drove me nuts.
Then rehearsals, which were a challenge, mentally and physically, and an adventure all in themselves.
Then the leaving, which was sad and exciting all at once. Then the great process known as the tour.
I am so, so lucky to have known with all of you wonderful actors and become your friends. I am a better performer and person after this wonderful, insane, sometimes awful, sometimes hilarious, crazy time of my life. Thank you to all of you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
But more importantly, our swag orders came in!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
109 down, who knows how many to go
So it's cold again.
A week and a half left!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
107 shows down, 10 to go
Tonight's subject for blogging will be skyping with the boyfriend.
Our typical skype video chat conversation, which typically takes place around midnight, usually goes something like this:
Me: Hi baby!! What's up!
Winston: Rmph. Not much. Just eating some noodles.
Me: Oh that's cool! So today we had a show, but most of the day was free, so I slept until noon and then went to the gym for a whole hour! It was so nice!
Winston: *continues munching on noodle soup*
Me: And then we had bus call at five, and that was that time that I called you, but you said you were busy, so I said I'd call you at intermission, and then I went to do the show and it was totally a train wreck and nothing went right but whatever-- (*continues yammering about the day*) ...So, what did you do today?
Winston: Nothing.
Me: What? Really, nothing?
Winston: I had class and then I did homework in the library for nine hours.
Me: Oh. Jesus.
Winston: Yup.
Me: Oh yeah, you've been up since like six this morning, right? That's when you texted me! Wow. So, anyway, after that...
Winston: *begins nodding off at computer*
Winston: *starts awake* SORRY sorry I'm really tired.... *eyelids start to droop again*
Me: You really aren't a night owl, are you?
Winston: *zzzzzz*
Me: Dammit
Winston: *zzzzzzzzzzz*
On a luckier day when I'm able to catch him during daylight hours, we have intricate lengthy conversations about things like summer plans or Batman villains. Either way, even though he has a hard time matching up to my excellent sleep-avoiding skills, he's probably the cutest thing ever.

And here are the badasses in action, at said pancake house:

Not only that, she and her mom gave me a beautiful gift of a set of Japanese tea cups. How does she know I've been wanting fancy tea cups like that for EVER?? Because she is the greatest of great, that's what.
Love is all around me. <3
Monday, March 21, 2011
Over 100 shows later...
Hello all! I have officially sung "Over the Rainbow" more than two hundred times. This includes rehearsals, all performances, sound checks at every new venue, and publicity with news stations. We've performed the show more than a hundred times now, and as we start heading toward the finish line, I can't help but reflect on how quickly it's all passed.
It's been a crazy ride. And right now, as I sit in my hotel room in Roanoke, VA, with Glinda sleeping soundly on the other side of the room (as I should be too, but the internet is more fun) I'm thinking about all the things I've missed about real life. I miss my boyfriend, and my family, and being able to cook real food. I miss sitting on a couch and watching a movie. I miss using a library. I miss having a closet and not having to dig through a suitcase full of wrinkled clothes. I miss having a real life, and deciding where I want to go for myself every day.
But there are things about tour I'll miss too. Like not having to do my own sheets laundry, or having clean towels every day. And free breakfasts (sometimes) and those amazing, wonderful beds at Hiltons and Radissons. (Seriously, have you ever been to one? The beds are like clouds. But anyway)
I have to go to bed now, it's so late! Goodnight.
Friday, March 4, 2011
We left San Diego... lovely, beautiful southern California... for Vegas, where we had a surprise golden day. I can't really do much in Vegas, which I've dubbed "Disneyland with hookers", but I went to Margaritaville, the mall at Caesar's Palace, and walked along the strip a bit.
Then we went some other places in the middle of the country and I typically don't even know where I am. In fact, I didn't even figure out where we were going all day today until I looked at my GPS just now after being in the hotel for half an hour. Dayton, Ohio.
Look for an upcoming blog about what may possibly be our jankiest show yet, yesterday: on a tiny stage with next to no backstage area, the poor folks of Muskegan, Michigan had to put up with one hell of a rocky show. It was really interesting.
Talk soon (I really promise),
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Bus bus bus
Sorry for not updating. I've been in Vegas.
Actually thats not entirely true, as I was only there one night. But still, it was really cool.
So this past week, we made the trek all the way from south Dakota (we had been in Canada, again, just recently) down through Utah and into las Vegas last night. Seeing as there are only three of us in this tour who are underage, Anna, Alicia and I made our own adventures and walked up and down the Strip (Las Vegas Blvd) exploring. In fact, Vegas is a lot like Disneyworld. It's a lot of fake things, and gaudy and touristy things, but that's sort of okay because no one is expecting it to be anything else.
Now I'm traveling through the Mojave desert and it's really something. I took lots of pictures that I promise I'll put up later. I am really excited about San Diego for a whole week. Maybe i should celebrate by dying my hair a crazy color or stealing one of the orcas at sea world and freeing it into the ocean Free Willy-style. Or maybe I'll just have an In-N-Out burger.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The Secret Day Off
Anyway. Time for the post.
So, last week, we were still up in the northeast, and they gave us one long travel day into Boston, then a golden day in Boston, then a brief travel day into Schenectady.
Well, about four of us with loved ones (or Spiderman tickets) decided to blow off Boston and return to NYC for a glorious few hours.
I was finally going home for a little bit!!
First things first: I saw Qi Qi, my boyfriend's adorable little niece who had grown up a lot in just a few short months.
The next morning, I went to Pace very, very briefly to meet up with Wins so we could go eat delicious New York food. Pace was heavily snowed upon.

Then: Japanese food, of course. At my favorite place of all time, Udon West on Astor Place.

Then, later, we went to Bryant Part (Winston's wonderful idea) for ice skating, to commemorate our one year anniversary that I would miss on Feb 19. Because, hey, what's more romantic in winter than ice skating? Not much.

But this is probably my favorite picture of all...

Anyway, later that evening we met up with mah bestest friend Bird and Leslie (Picture will come later. For some reason my iPad found it too difficult to email it.)
After a [free] feast at the NYU cafeteria, thanks to Leslie's mad RA skills, Wins and I went on our date to Cafe LaLo on the upper west side, another of our favorite places.

More on the second day later...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
New app, and lots of snow
Hey all. We've been in and out of internet service over the past few weeks, going in and out of Canada... and a lot of what we've seen is just rural landscape, where wifi has yet to venture. So it's been tough to get around to blogging.
In other news, I got a new iPad app that lets me make little journal pages for every day, so I thought I'd share some of those from the past few weeks/days to make up for my lack of blogging.