Anyway. Time for the post.
So, last week, we were still up in the northeast, and they gave us one long travel day into Boston, then a golden day in Boston, then a brief travel day into Schenectady.
Well, about four of us with loved ones (or Spiderman tickets) decided to blow off Boston and return to NYC for a glorious few hours.
I was finally going home for a little bit!!
First things first: I saw Qi Qi, my boyfriend's adorable little niece who had grown up a lot in just a few short months.
The next morning, I went to Pace very, very briefly to meet up with Wins so we could go eat delicious New York food. Pace was heavily snowed upon.

Then: Japanese food, of course. At my favorite place of all time, Udon West on Astor Place.

Then, later, we went to Bryant Part (Winston's wonderful idea) for ice skating, to commemorate our one year anniversary that I would miss on Feb 19. Because, hey, what's more romantic in winter than ice skating? Not much.

But this is probably my favorite picture of all...

Anyway, later that evening we met up with mah bestest friend Bird and Leslie (Picture will come later. For some reason my iPad found it too difficult to email it.)
After a [free] feast at the NYU cafeteria, thanks to Leslie's mad RA skills, Wins and I went on our date to Cafe LaLo on the upper west side, another of our favorite places.

More on the second day later...
I read your blog! I love your blog! I love you!
These are beautiful wonderful photos! LOVE them, thank you honey!!! Mummy is teh happyz!
Hey Kate! A friend of mine and I read your blogs all the time! It's good to see you got a chance to go back to NY and hang with the boyfriend and friends. :) You deserve it. Also, you're a big inspiration to us who couldn't act for a living but still love to perform! Hope the show continues to go well and have fun.
P.S. I hate dancing too and now I really want fancy coffee and cakes.
I feel you with the '3 readers in my blog thing' don't worry, I can assure lots of people do read your blog. It is cool and the pictures are great, really 'authentic' stuff
Looking forward to our phone interview in a little bit.
Awesome blog Kate!!! Keep it up. You are an excellent writer. I hope everything goes well for you. Feel free to read my stuff sometime. Best of luck!!
I read your blog (:
I read too! :)
also, I've never seen such amazing pictures of food... I hope you're ready for a few guests this summer... cuz Brett & I will definitely be visiting!! miss you!!
Have commented in the past. Will attempt to do so in the future...
I read your blog! ;) <3
I read vehemently Kate!
....sometimes i catch up on this stuff i guess.
Kate! I read your blog! I just don't always me, you have more than 3 readers and I follow your twitter updates about all the food you are dreaming of probably because the management forgets to feed you on the bus! I'm with you sister! Looks like you had a lovely time with your boyfriend. Tweet me....or leave a comment over on my blog..All the best to you!
I read your blog every couple of months or so. You even inspired me to make my own blog last year, which lasted for like 3 posts in which I vented about my lady-whore roommate. PS. I like the jet-black hair :-)
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