Monday, March 2, 2009

Thoughts as of late

1. I really need to get on the ball here and write another school blog. I just hate how I have to be all clean-cut and act like I'm desperately trying to attract incoming freshmen. Moreso I hate sounding like I'm trying to tell people to do something.

2. Clearly it's very mature to pretend someone you spent a good chunk of your adolescent life with never existed. Obviously I'm the immature one for remembering and learning from the experience. Yeah, it's much better just to pretend like it never happened. Clearly.

3. It's cold as balls. Is it EVER going to be spring? There are Easter decorations in the grocery store and there's a blizzard outside.

Because of the intense cold, I've been craving a beach vacation, which is usually so unlike me.


A Serious Girl said...

I am totally over the cold, yo. Didn't even have the snowman urge today. I JUST WANT IT TO BE WARM AGAIN.

Hawk said...

Some recent beach pictures. Couldn't quite supply the vacation, sorry.